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We sell our energy at cost because we'd rather our customers consume less, instead of more.
We sign with 100% renewable energy sources, meaning your power comes from the best places.
Read your meter, manage your payments, or chat with us live—all in one app. No letters, no fax!
But it's about time, right? Register via our homepage and manage everything easily in one app!
Overview of bills, change deductions, enter meter readings or chat with us personally - all in one app.
Our team will respond to you within seconds — not hours! If you have any questions, just ask directly in the live chat.
Our smart meter and dynamic tariff ensure that you always know how much energy you are using. And with our smart e-car charging and more, you can use energy when it's cheapest - without any effort.
We partner with generators in Germany to directly purchase their electricity wherever we can, as well as buying renewable electricity on the wholesale market. This way we can be sure that for every unit you use, a new solar, wind, or hydro unit is produced and put on the grid.
We have only partnered with reliable green electricity providers across Germany. So you are always confident where your Ostrom power comes from. See for yourself!
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Nestled amid Rostock and Schwerin, Windpark Hohen Pritz taps centuries of relentless winds in a region steeped in history. Among lush landscapes, the wind park, a modern sustainability symbol, stands with 200m turbines. Juxtaposed with a 1000-year-old church tower, it melds ancient heritage and cutting-edge technology, creating a vivid tableau of progress.
It only takes 5 minutes to switch and save with Ostrom!
Switch and save in only 5 minutes!
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